Indlela ibuzwa kwabaphambili is a Zulu proverb meaning those who have gone before are the ones who can show the path.
Born in Soweto, Mpho Radebe graduated from the University of the Witwatersrand (Wits) with a mechanical engineering degree. She is also studying for a Master’s in Fluid Dynamics at Wits. Apart from engineering, her hobbies include photography and music, as she is classically trained in piano. Mpho is also a volunteer at the GFA, where she is part of the Marketing and Communications team.
In this interview, Mpho speaks about her journey, highlighting what inspired her to be an engineer, her experience as a graduate in engineering, and her advice for young women aspiring to have careers in this field.
What inspired you to study Mechanical Engineering?
My parents were my biggest inspirations. When I was young, my father worked as a mechanic, and I would sometimes watch him work on the cars he fixed. This was the beginning of my fascination with how things worked. Since then, I have been curious about how things work. My mum worked in IT and would explain to me how she would create digitally, and that exposure grew my love for creating. This inspired my passion for creating and how things work, leading me to study mechanical engineering.
What does a typical day look like in your work environment where you are currently based?
A typical day in the line of work involves a lot of different aspects. Our work consists of many elements that may cause harm; therefore, the day begins with discussing safety in the projects or the workspace. Everyone involved must be able to identify the risks and dangers of the work ahead but discuss how to mitigate or prevent them. Only then can the workday begin. Most projects involve a team of different disciplines, and occasionally, you will have to meet to discuss the different aspects. Project work on the plant must be monitored, and the presence of the plant may be required. I work 40 hours a week, 8 hours a day. And spend about 50% in the office and 50% on-site. Overtime may be required for emergency work or during major scheduled maintenance work.
What subjects did you have to take in high school to qualify for Mechanical Engineering?
I took a variety of subjects in high school, but the ones that assisted me in qualifying for my degree, and those I would strongly recommend, outside English, are Mathematics and Physical Science (Physics and Chemistry).
What qualities make a good Engineer, and how have they helped you in your career?
There are quite a few qualities that make one a good engineer. Problem-solving, teamwork, and continuous learning have helped me in my career. Most of the work and projects an engineer will encounter are founded around a problem that must be solved. As an engineer, one needs to address these simultaneously, thinking outside the box effectively. Secondly, projects are often conducted within a team, and the success and completion of the project often lie on how well the team works together. Therefore, a good quality to have is teamwork. Last but not least, continuous learning is the most essential quality. When you begin working, you will quickly learn many things you still do not know, but technologies and methodologies constantly change. A learning spirit will help you stay updated with the latest technological developments and expose you to skills not taught in the classroom. This is a recipe for being a successful engineer.
What is your take on mentorship? Is it important?
“Indlela ibuzwa kwabaphambili” is a Zulu proverb meaning “those who have gone before are the ones who can show the path.” One can gain so much value from those who have walked the road before. And so, I would highly recommend having a mentor. Isaac Newton said,
If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants.
True success comes to us when we learn from the giants before us. I mentioned that the most important quality of being a good engineer is continuous learning, and mentorship is one avenue that feeds this the most. With the right mentor, you can develop your skills as an engineer and a person.
What strategies have you used to advance in a male-dominated space?
Though we see more women entering these spaces, there are still so many challenges that come with working in a male-dominated environment. One skill I am working towards and found to be highly effective is confidence. It can get difficult to show up in the workplace, see yourself taking up space, or succeed because those deemed successful do not look like you. And many women shy away because of this. But to gain the “respect” of your male counterparts, they must know you are there too. And not to say you need to be more like them or aggressive but rather showing up confidently as who you are. There is value in showing up confidently in these spaces. Do not be afraid to exert confidence in your work and how you do it. Surround yourself with women in the same space that will help boost your confidence.
What are some of the emerging technologies in engineering that you are most excited about?
Artificial Intelligence. The technology from that would make our lives easier and help combat many global issues. I am so excited to see how the world will be made better through this new technology and to be in the space I am in when it happens.
What would you still like to achieve in your career?
There are many things I would like to achieve and many things I have not discovered that I could reach, but I am currently pursuing my master’s, and I hope to obtain that right now.
What advice do you have for other career women and young women looking to enter Engineering?
One of my favorite quotes sums up my journey so far: “Most of what I know, I’ve learned by falling and getting up. The ground has taught me more about flight than the clouds ever could.” There is a reward for following your purpose. The reward will not always look beautiful and dressed in success, but it may be when you fall because it is in knowing the ground that you know which way is up. So, do not lose heart when things seem to be falling apart; learn from them because these might be the skills you need to succeed.