Aircraft Maintenance Technician:Jade Elms

My name is Jade Elms. I am from Eldorado Park. I am a Qualified Aircraft Maintenance Technician working toward acquiring my AME license. My journey started in 2013 when I met a pilot named Fundi, who introduced me to the Southern African Women in Aviation and Aerospace Industry (SAWIA), which became Girls Fly Africa (GFA).

I attended the GFA aviation and space camp in 2013. The program positively impacted me by opening my eyes to a broader world of aviation. I initially wanted to be a pilot but did not know there were more behind-the-scenes workers, such as cabin crew, ground staff, and engineers. In about 2016, I met a friend who introduced me to Maya (Mega Aero Training Academy), where I was offered a 3-year bursary to study aircraft mechanics. Thus, I am now a qualified technician. These small stepping stones helped me get to where I am, for which I will forever be grateful.

Being one of the few female aircraft engineers is tricky, as I have to adapt to a more male-dominated environment. However, every day, it is a learning curve as I learn new things and tackle new opportunities. I feel like my qualifications opened more doors for me, as I am now behind the scenes, ensuring the airworthiness and safety of helicopters around the respective areas our company accommodates.

If I could advise young ladies on entering the aviation world, I would start by saying something that a few of my engineers taught me—never choose aviation as a day-to-day job; aviation should be a passion. You should have confidence in yourself, knowing that when you go to bed at night, you are satisfied with your work because you work with people’s lives.

I have also learned and would love to share that “Aviation is big, but also small.” for those ladies wanting to be pilots, cabin crew, or anything aviation-related, GO FOR IT. The sky is not the limit; however, aviation is an uncomfortable yet fun environment; you can never be too complacent because there will be days when you feel like sitting in a bathroom and crying because of the pressure, and then there will be days when you will feel on top of the world. The aim will be never to give up and continue pushing no matter how hard it seems. 



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